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“Pay attention to the sound, as you might uncover a secret of existence and find the true Voice of deep inneer YOU"
Don Conreaux
Transform yourself with the Sound of the Gong!
Gongs are amazing instruments. They generate powerful, intense healing vibrations which interspersed with the sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls and other instruments stimulate our feelings of peace and relaxation, this allows the release of stress and any other blocks that maybe set deep inside our inner self, on cellular level.
The effects of Gong sounds:
The benefits of a sound bath are immense; they are energetically cleansing, increase vital strength,
are deeply relaxing, reduce stress, increase and accelerates the healing process, wakes up our inner beliefs, increasing intuitions and triggers the act of creation and inspiration.
Meeting with the sound is finally made us aware of closeness, empathy, acceptance, humility, courage, gratitude, forgiveness. That experience in itself is like a mirror that reflects all situations which you experience in your life and that you create this in outside world through your own actions.
Through meetings with sound you become more aware of your own thoughts and emotions and begin to realize your infinite potential, discovering opportunities and talents which are inside you.
Sound opens the gates to Love so you can meet with all the things you create around yourself
and realized how great the power to create happiness is in your life.
Gongs awaken your inner self; make you aware, even if you think you are not yet ready.
Return to Happiness and Spiritualization of Matter as inscribed on the surface of the Ancient Gong.
"The gong is a sacred threshold. It is the portal that links the finite and the infinite experience of the Self.
It is a cauldron in which you can create alchemical blends of qualities that open and develop the Inner Self." Gurucharan Singh Khalsa
Before the event
Please arrive early, no late coming will be allowed in.
Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a thick blanket to keep warm or sleeping bag, a pillow, a yoga mat and some bottled water to drink.
Please call us in advance before any event to book your space on 07731673759 or 07935651585.
Places are limited
check the EVENT CALENDAR >>
R e c o r d i n g s
10th November 2013
15th November 2013
Photo Gallery

"Saturday afternoon was very interesting and different to anything I have experienced before.
I have had problems with my left knee for quite a while and during the gong bath it became more painful. Since then it it is much better it doesn't hurt and I can walk easier. OK I was hoping it would help the skin condition but
I am happy with the result with my knee." Lynn C.
"What a fantastic spiritual experience. My whole body felt so alive, it was truly magical. I would definitely recommend it. Thank you so much." Lynn H.
"I had d best experience ever ... Already talked to few friends ... They are joining us in April for gong meditation. I felt awesome, like at home! But was really tired & thirsty all evening. Sometimes it is hard to realize it's time to move on. And like you said to me yesterday time to finish that thing from 3 years ago thank you ..." Iwona
How does the Sound of Gongs have impact on Our Body Cells